Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer Nights

One summer night at the Padre Game~
My dad bought Billy tickets for his birthday and we invited our friends to join us. Jack had a blast; he loves hanging out with his future girlfriend Delaney. Thank you Ryan & Marcy for being such great friends. We can always count on you!

Summer Nights at San Diego Zoo with Aimee & Sofia Cisneros~

My Birthday~
For my birthday I went to Disneyland! The next day, I went to dinner with my family!

Birthday Dinner~

hot mama's

I love my Rudy

I may be old but I will always be my dads little girl in my heart.

Crazy Grandkids

i love you both


i love this picture

Billy & Joey's B-day~
The Villa family went to Palm Springs to celebrate Billy's 35th birthday! Jack loves to go to "hotels." He is always asking to stay at hotels....
My brother also celebrated his 30th birthday and met us out there for the day to celebrate his old age. HA HA HA
Happy Birthday BOYS! I love you both so very much!

I love this picture!
La Quinta, Palm Springs

Birthday Boy!

Las Casuelas in Palm Springs

Mama's loved the water

Happy Birthday Brother!